Meeting Jesus at the Table
Evening Prayer in St. Mary’s Chapel at 5:45 pm
Simple Soup Dinner at 6:00 pm, please bring a dish to share
Discussion from 6:30-7:30 pm
*Please note that the city lot does not open until 6:00 pm. Please use metered street parking.
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus meets people at the table—welcoming the outcast, challenging the self-righteous, nourishing the hungry, and revealing His very identity. Lent invites us to slow down and reflect: How is Jesus meeting us at the table of our own lives? Where do we need to be fed, healed, or transformed? Each session will include scripture, discussion, and a simple spiritual practice to take into daily life. Led by Mother Michelle Robertshaw and Canon Mike Alford.
Ten Commandments Bible Study
“The Ten Commandments: Laws of the Heart” by Joan Chittister
Are the Ten Commandments just a set of rules or are they a way of life? How does each one call us to reflect on our life and values? What does it mean to love God and our neighbor in a world where violence, greed, and fear threaten our lives, our values, our hearts? Joan Chittister answers these and other questions.
Each chapter focuses on what one of the commandments means for us today. The final two shed light on the two Great Commandments, "Love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself." Led by Deacon Hillary Peete.
Books are available at the front desk for $10.
An Invitation to the Episcopal Church: Adult Formation Class
Facilitated by Cathedral clergy, this class will use "Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church" as the starting place for conversation, as well as utilizing the Book of Common Prayer. This class is for those wishing to learn more about the Episcopal Church as well as those looking to deepen spiritual practices.
*It is not required to purchase the book in order to participate in the class.
Inquirers' Class
For those seeking baptism, confirmation, and reception into the Episcopal Church.
Led by Cathedral clergy, this class will dive into church history, the sacraments, spirituality, ministry, and more. The group will use "Being Christian" by Rowan Williams as the starting place for conversation. This group will meet in the Chapter Room.
Registration is required to participate in this class. The book is provided for all participants.
Choral Evensong
Choral Evensong | March 23 at 5:00 pm, organ prelude at 4:45 pm
Our service of Choral Evensong for the Third Sunday in Lent, will feature the “Short Service” of Orlando Gibbons.
Gibbons 1583-1625) was an English composer and keyboard player. The best-known member of a musical family dynasty, by the 1610s he was the leading composer and organist in England, with a career cut short by his sudden death in 1625. As a result, Gibbons’s oeuvre was not as large as that of his contemporaries, but he made considerable contributions to many genres of his time. He is often seen as a transitional figure from the Renaissance to the Baroque periods.
The Anthem is Purcell’s “Hear my prayer, O Lord,” and the concluding hymn is “Cast out, O Christ.” An organ prelude at 4:45 pm performed by Music Director Dwight Thomas will feature the music of Johann Sebastian Bach. The Cathedral Chamber Choir sings. A freewill offering is taken, and a light reception follows.
St. Peter's Book Club
A novel about the extraordinary partnership between First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt and civil rights activist Mary McLeod Bethune—an unlikely friendship that changed the world, from the New York Times bestselling authors of the Good Morning America Book Club pick The Personal Librarian. Visit for more information.
Meeting Jesus at the Table
Evening Prayer in St. Mary’s Chapel at 5:45 pm
Simple Soup Dinner at 6:00 pm, please bring a dish to share
Discussion from 6:30-7:30 pm
*Please note that the city lot does not open until 6:00 pm. Please use metered street parking.
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus meets people at the table—welcoming the outcast, challenging the self-righteous, nourishing the hungry, and revealing His very identity. Lent invites us to slow down and reflect: How is Jesus meeting us at the table of our own lives? Where do we need to be fed, healed, or transformed? Each session will include scripture, discussion, and a simple spiritual practice to take into daily life. Led by Mother Michelle Robertshaw and Canon Mike Alford.
Ten Commandments Bible Study
“The Ten Commandments: Laws of the Heart” by Joan Chittister
Are the Ten Commandments just a set of rules or are they a way of life? How does each one call us to reflect on our life and values? What does it mean to love God and our neighbor in a world where violence, greed, and fear threaten our lives, our values, our hearts? Joan Chittister answers these and other questions.
Each chapter focuses on what one of the commandments means for us today. The final two shed light on the two Great Commandments, "Love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself." Led by Deacon Hillary Peete.
Books are available at the front desk for $10.
Inquirers' Class
For those seeking baptism, confirmation, and reception into the Episcopal Church.
Led by Cathedral clergy, this class will dive into church history, the sacraments, spirituality, ministry, and more. The group will use "Being Christian" by Rowan Williams as the starting place for conversation. This group will meet in the Chapter Room.
Registration is required to participate in this class. The book is provided for all participants.
An Invitation to the Episcopal Church: Adult Formation Class
Facilitated by Cathedral clergy, this class will use "Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church" as the starting place for conversation, as well as utilizing the Book of Common Prayer. This class is for those wishing to learn more about the Episcopal Church as well as those looking to deepen spiritual practices.
*It is not required to purchase the book in order to participate in the class.
Theology of Icons Presentation
Delve deeper into the rich theological foundations of iconography. Christine will explore the spiritual meanings behind these holy images and invite parishioners to share their experiences of the icons throughout Lent and Easter. Visit for more information.
Inquirers' Class
For those seeking baptism, confirmation, and reception into the Episcopal Church.
Led by Cathedral clergy, this class will dive into church history, the sacraments, spirituality, ministry, and more. The group will use "Being Christian" by Rowan Williams as the starting place for conversation. This group will meet in the Chapter Room.
Registration is required to participate in this class. The book is provided for all participants.
An Invitation to the Episcopal Church: Adult Formation Class
Facilitated by Cathedral clergy, this class will use "Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church" as the starting place for conversation, as well as utilizing the Book of Common Prayer. This class is for those wishing to learn more about the Episcopal Church as well as those looking to deepen spiritual practices.
*It is not required to purchase the book in order to participate in the class.
Evensong for the Induction of the Very Reverend Michelle Robertshaw
Bishop Doug Scharf invites you to the Evensong for the Induction of the Very Reverend Michelle Robertshaw as Provost of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter on Thursday, March 13 at 7:00 p.m. Following the Evensong, a reception will be held in Harvard Hall welcoming Mother Michelle. Clergy: cassock and surplice (no stole).
Ten Commandments Bible Study
“The Ten Commandments: Laws of the Heart” by Joan Chittister
Are the Ten Commandments just a set of rules or are they a way of life? How does each one call us to reflect on our life and values? What does it mean to love God and our neighbor in a world where violence, greed, and fear threaten our lives, our values, our hearts? Joan Chittister answers these and other questions.
Each chapter focuses on what one of the commandments means for us today. The final two shed light on the two Great Commandments, "Love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself." Led by Deacon Hillary Peete.
Books are available at the front desk for $10.
Meeting Jesus at the Table
Evening Prayer in St. Mary’s Chapel at 5:45 pm
Simple Soup Dinner at 6:00 pm, please bring a dish to share
Discussion from 6:30-7:30 pm
*Please note that the city lot does not open until 6:00 pm. Please use metered street parking.
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus meets people at the table—welcoming the outcast, challenging the self-righteous, nourishing the hungry, and revealing His very identity. Lent invites us to slow down and reflect: How is Jesus meeting us at the table of our own lives? Where do we need to be fed, healed, or transformed? Each session will include scripture, discussion, and a simple spiritual practice to take into daily life. Led by Mother Michelle Robertshaw and Canon Mike Alford.
FAST Rally
The Rally is an opportunity for hundreds of network members across Pinellas County to affirm the questions we will ask public officials at the Nehemiah Action in April. Research committees will share what they've learned from meeting with public officials and experts. Each congregation will also report back the number of network members, how many are confirmed for the Nehemiah Action, and what our goal is.
Visit for more information.
Inquirers' Class
For those seeking baptism, confirmation, and reception into the Episcopal Church.
Led by Cathedral clergy, this class will dive into church history, the sacraments, spirituality, ministry, and more. The group will use "Being Christian" by Rowan Williams as the starting place for conversation. This group will meet in the Chapter Room.
Registration is required to participate in this class. The book is provided for all participants.
An Invitation to the Episcopal Church: Adult Formation Class
Facilitated by Cathedral clergy, this class will use "Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church" as the starting place for conversation, as well as utilizing the Book of Common Prayer. This class is for those wishing to learn more about the Episcopal Church as well as those looking to deepen spiritual practices.
*It is not required to purchase the book in order to participate in the class.
Ash Wednesday
Nursery care for babies-age 6 is available during the 7:00 pm service.
Parking: Please note that for the 8:00 am and 12:00 pm services you must utilize metered street parking. The parking lot on 2nd Ave N is only available for City Hall use until 6:00 pm.
Following the 7:00 pm service, members of the 20s40s group will walk to a local restaurant to enjoy a meal together. To join us, please contact Hillary Peete.
Shrove Tuesday Shuffle
All ages are invited to join us for a fun twist on Shrove Tuesday! You don't need any shuffleboard experience. We'll meet up with neighbors from St. Pete First Methodist Church to connect and play. Funnel Vision food truck will be on site so we won't miss out on any sweet treats. Mardi Gras beads, masks, and attire are welcome! $5/person to play, kids under 18 are free. Please register at
St. Peter's Book Club
The Women is the story of one woman gone to war, but it shines a light on all women who put themselves in harm’s way and whose sacrifice and commitment to their country has too often been forgotten. A novel about deep friendships and bold patriotism, The Women is a richly drawn story with a memorable heroine whose idealism and courage under fire will come to define an era.
Visit for more information and for the Zoom link.
Legacy Letter Workshop
What is a Legacy Letter? It’s a personal letter you write to your heirs sharing your dreams, stories, wishes, and wisdom. Imagine what it would mean to your loved ones to hear, in your own words, your values, experiences, and hopes. So often, after someone has died, we regret the conversations we didn’t have, yearn to hear the stories one more time, wish we could benefit from the advice of our elders. This is your chance to give your heirs that priceless gift.
We’ll share examples, provide materials, and give you lots of ideas to get you started. And since we cannot predict the timing of our own death, no one is ever too old or too young to write a Legacy Letter ... or to encourage beloved family members to do so. Lunch will be provided. Register here.
"Signs and Wonders" Book Study
Thursdays, January 16, 23, and 30 and February 6, 13 and 20 10:30-11:30 a.m. in the Chapter Room In Signs and Wonders: A Beginner’s Guide to the Miracles of Jesus, Professor Amy-Jill Levine explores selected miracles of Jesus in historical and theological context. For each miracle, she discusses not only how past witnesses would have understood the events, but also how today’s readers can draw meaning from Jesus’s words and actions. Copies of the book are available at church for $12. You can come for one session or all. Led by Deacon Hillary Peete.