Formation at the Cathedral

Offerings to deepen our spiritual lives and sense of connection

Sundays, March 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6
9:00 am | Chapter Room

For those seeking baptism, confirmation, and reception into the Episcopal Church.

Led by Cathedral clergy, this class will dive into church history, the sacraments, spirituality, ministry, and more. The group will use "Being Christian" by Rowan Williams as the starting place for conversation. This group will meet in the Chapter Room.

Registration is required to participate in this class ( The book is provided for all participants.

Wednesdays at 5:45 pm | Harvard Hall
March 12, 19, 26 and April 2, 9

Evening Prayer in St. Mary’s Chapel at 5:45 pm
Simple Soup Dinner at 6:00 pm, please bring a dish to share
Discussion from 6:30-7:30 pm

*Please note that the city lot does not open until 6:00 pm. Please use metered street parking.

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus meets people at the table—welcoming the outcast, challenging the self-righteous, nourishing the hungry, and revealing His very identity. Lent invites us to slow down and reflect: How is Jesus meeting us at the table of our own lives? Where do we need to be fed, healed, or transformed? Each session will include scripture, discussion, and a simple spiritual practice to take into daily life. Led by Mother Michelle Robertshaw and Canon Mike Alford.

Sundays, March 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6
9:00 am | Harvard Hall

Facilitated by Cathedral clergy, this class will use "Your Faith, Your Life: An Invitation to the Episcopal Church" as the starting place for conversation, as well as utilizing the Book of Common Prayer. This class is for those wishing to learn more about the Episcopal Church as well as those looking to deepen spiritual practices.

*It is not required to purchase the book in order to participate in the class.

The Men’s Bible Study group gathers on Thursday mornings at 7:45am to discuss scripture and other topics. Enjoy a cup of coffee and a great faith-filled discussion with a wonderful group of guys.

Contact: Frank Casorio

Education for Ministry
A new group forms each fall and meets Monday evenings from 6:00-8:30 pm from Labor Day through Memorial Day. For more information, contact Michelle Thomas.

Cathedral 20s/40s Group
Join us for connection and community!