Formation at the Cathedral

Offerings to deepen our spiritual lives and sense of connection

Thursdays, January 16, 23, and 30 and February 6, 13 and 20
10:30-11:30 am in Harvard Hall

In Signs and Wonders: A Beginner’s Guide to the Miracles of Jesus, Professor Amy-Jill Levine explores selected miracles of Jesus in historical and theological context. For each miracle, she discusses not only how past witnesses would have understood the events, but also how today’s readers can draw meaning from Jesus’s words and actions. Copies of the book are available at church for $12. You can come for one session or all. Led by Deacon Hillary Peete (

Chapter topics include:
• Giving sight to the blind: Metaphors of understanding (Mark 8, John 9)
• “Take up your pallet and walk” (the paralyzed man): On the role of caregivers
• A bleeding woman and a dead girl: The importance of women’s bodies
• Walking on water and stilling the storm: Ecological readings of the Gospels
• The feeding of the 5,000 (or more): The centrality of bread
• The raising of Lazarus: Taking death seriously 

Education for Ministry
A new group forms each fall and meets Monday evenings from 6:00-8:30 pm from Labor Day through Memorial Day. For more information, contact Michelle Thomas.

Cathedral 20s/40s Group
Join us for connection and community!