Welcome! We celebrate everyone who comes through our doors. We hope that you’ll be one of them. When you come to worship at St. Peter’s, you experience a welcoming atmosphere, an exciting service, great music, and a practical and inspirational message.
Whether you are new to St. Petersburg, the Episcopal Church, or are just starting to learn more about Christianity, we welcome you to the Cathedral Church of St. Peter. Here you will find information about what to expect on Sunday mornings and in worship. If you have any questions before joining us, please connect with Canon Brandon Peete, Canon for Hospitality.
Please fill out the newcomer form below and we will connect with you soon.
Interested in membership at the Cathedral?
Membership in The Episcopal Church is by virtue of baptism. If you have been baptized before, then you are already a member of the universal church, and becoming a member of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter is as simple as having your baptismal record transferred to our church. To transfer your baptismal record, please download our newcomer form. You can return it directly to the church or email it to mthomas@spcathedral.com.
If you have not been baptized, we would love to celebrate that sacrament of God’s transformational love with you. We offer baptism on feast days throughout the year, and you are encouraged you to call the church office or contact a member of the clergy and let us know that you would like to be baptized.
If you are looking for a more deliberate exploration of The Episcopal Church and the Christian faith, you may want to participate in our Inquirers Class, which is typically offered in Lent. Although not necessary, participants in the Inquirers Class are encouraged to be confirmed or received when the bishop makes his annual visitation as a way of making their commitment to the Cathedral Church of St. Peter public.
Sundays, March 9, 16, 23, 30 and April 6 at 9:00 am* (other options may be available)
Rehearsal date and time TBD.
This class is intended for those wishing to be Confirmed or Received into the Episcopal Church during the Easter Vigil on Saturday, April 19. It is also open to anyone seeking a Reaffirmation of Faith during the Vigil.
The class will use the book "Being Christian" by Rowan Williams. Copies will be provided to participants.
The class will be led by Cathedral clergy and offered during the 9:00 am formation hour on Sunday mornings. However, we know that time does not work for everyone. In an effort to reach as many participants as possible, please indicate if you are interested, but require another meeting time. We will do our best to accommodate!
What should I expect at an Episcopal Church?
The Episcopal Church prides itself in walking a “middle way” between Catholicism and Protestantism. At an Episcopal Church you will experience a formal liturgy that is shaped by the Book of Common Prayer and a welcoming sense of hospitality that encourages seekers to join us wherever they are on their spiritual journey. Episcopal worship centers around Holy Communion. You will find that Eucharist is offered at every service as a way of being nourished by God and equipped to serve God’s people.
What should I expect at the Cathedral?
As you enter through the glass doors on 2nd Avenue N, you will be warmly welcomed by our greeters in the gathering area (called the narthex). This is a space where people talk and connect before the service begins. Ushers standing at the entrance to the nave hand out service bulletins and you can make your way to a pew. The bulletins have a lot of helpful information about how to follow along and participate in the service. If you need assistance finding a hymn or prayer in the Book of Common Prayer, don’t hesitate to ask someone near you! You’ll notice that there’s a lot of movement in Episcopal worship — people will stand, kneel and sit at various points. Feel free to participate as you are able and comfortable.
The Cathedral congregation is made up of an eclectic group of people from all walks of life. Some are cradle Episcopalians, others recently joined a faith community for the first time. Some individuals come alone, and others come with their children and grandchildren. Some people wear a suit and tie or fancy Sunday hats, others come in shorts and flip flops. We welcome you however you are and your presence, not appearance, is most important.
What is Holy Communion and who can receive it?
Holy Communion is at the heart of Episcopal worship. The Cathedral practices an open table, meaning that all are welcome to come forward, including children. We believe that the consecrated bread and wine are an invitation from God.
To receive communion, ushers will direct people pew by pew up to the altar. At the altar, you may receive the wafer in your open palm. If you require a gluten free wafer, simply ask the priest for one. A chalice bearer will come after the priest. The Eucharistic Minister will dip the wafer into the cup (intinction) and place it on your tongue. Or you can drink directly from the cup as the chalice bearer guides it towards you. You do not have to receive both the bread and wine. If you wish, cross your arms over your chest to indicate you do not want to have wine. You will return to your pew down the side aisle after receiving.
If coming forward is a physical challenge, please indicate to an usher and they will have a priest will bring communion to you where you are seated.
Both children and adults are also invited to come forward for a blessing if they do not wish to take communion. You will come forward to the altar like you would for communion and cross your arms across your chest. A priest will give you a simple blessing at the altar.
Are worship services family-friendly at the Cathedral?
We wholeheartedly welcome children to fully participate in the life of the church, worship included. If you desire for your child(ren) to remain with you during worship, there are activity bags and books available in the narthex for them to use. On Sundays during the 10:15 am service, nursery care is available for babies-age 4. Children’s Chapel is available for children age 4-2nd grade. Contact Hillary Peete if you would like more information about children’s ministries at St. Peter’s.
Where is parking available at the Cathedral?
During the weekends, parking is available in the City Hall parking lot across from the main entrance of the church on 2nd Ave N. For all services and events, please note the meters and signs. There are only a handful of “Cathedral Church of St. Peter” parking signs on the far right side of the parking lot that can be used during the week for free. If these parking spots are not available, metered parking is available on the street. Metered parking is enforced and must be paid Monday-Sunday, 9:00 am-6:00 pm.
Is the Cathedral ADA accessible?
Yes. A side ramp leads into the main entrance and there is space among the pews that accommodate wheelchairs and walkers. The Cathedral is all on one level and has accessible restrooms throughout the building. The Cathedral also welcomes service animals.