Children’s Ministry at the Cathedral is centered on the belief that children are a vital part of the church. We believe that each child should feel known and loved and that God’s love is revealed through the relationships we experience in our faith community.

Children’s Formation on Sundays

Nursery care is provided for infants through age 4 from 9:45-11:30 am.

Children's Chapel engages children ages 4 through 2nd grade in the rhythms of worship, music, and prayer during the 10:15 am service.

Children ages 3rd-5th grade are invited to worship with their families and serve as acolytes. Worship bags are available in the narthex.

Questions about children and family ministry? Contact Deacon Hillary Peete, Director of Christian Formation (

Meet our Children’s Ministry Leaders!

Marilyn Vengroff

I’ve been volunteering as a leader in Children’s Chapel for 4 years!

Why I volunteer:
As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise kids. I know my family benefits from our family ministry village and that makes me want to be not only a beneficiary but a contributor, too.

My favorite part about volunteering is:
Getting to know the kids and watching them grow. And getting to know the children's families, too.

Why should someone else think about getting involved?
It's rewarding to contribute to our community and so much fun to get to know the kiddos.

Something that has surprised me is:
How insightful and deep some of the questions the kids have. 

What I’ve learned from the kids is:
Worship doesn't always have to be formal. Taking joy in being in community and thoughtful play are great ways to show appreciation for God.

Debra Eich

This will be my third year volunteering with Messy Church! I also participated with Vacation Bible School one summer.

Why I volunteer:
I enjoy getting to know the youth of our church better, presenting God’s message to the children by way of Science, creativity then standing back and watching them take it to a whole new level.

My favorite part about volunteering is:
I am grateful to be a part of the inner workings of the church and get to meet so many people that I wouldn’t ordinarily ever get to work with.

Why should someone else think about getting involved?
I have found the more time I spend in the halls and inner workings of the church, the more my faith grows, as I work through God’s ministry for me.

Something that has surprised me:
Each person and child leaves an indelible mark on your faith and life which you carry with you always and would have otherwise missed out on.

Something you've learned from the kids:
The children are so creative and clever. Many times I have my script all written out and materials available to demonstrate the Bible verse or scientific principle for the lesson. But when the kids come in, my plans go out the window. I have to stand back and assist, and prepare to be amazed!

Lois Ricciardi

I’ve been in some way since 2019 with Messy Church, VBS, Children’s Chapel and more!

Why I volunteer:
The children are the future. It's very rewarding to be a part of their growing and learning new things while having fun in a safe and faith-based environment.

My favorite part about volunteering is: Having a parent tell you later how much their child enjoyed an activity and what they learned from it. And of course, getting messy!

Why should someone else think about getting involved?
It's fun to take a break from adulting and be a kid with the kids. And how often do you have the opportunity to get your face painted?!?

Something that has surprised me:
The range of diverse talent that we have among our Cathedral youth. We are truly a STREAM (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts and Music) community.

Something you've learned from the kids:
To listen first. They are eager to learn, create and grow. If you listen, you learn how best to give them support and confidence.

January 2025 Gatherings: Coming Soon!

Advent Wreaths, Lessons + Carols, and Spaghetti Dinner
Sunday, December 1 at 11:30 am

Let's start Advent off with our Cathedral family! During coffee hour materials will be available to make your own Advent wreath from live greens along with some simple family devotionals that you can take home. Suggested donation of $15 per wreath.

Christmas Pageant Choir Rehearsals
Sundays, December 1 and 8 from 11:45 am-12:15 pm

Dress Rehearsal Saturday, December 14 at 10:00 am

Advent Lessons and Carols
Sunday, December 1 at 5:00 pm

This candlelight service for the First Sunday of Advent features readings, choral anthems and congregational hymns as we prepare expectantly for the birth of the Savior. Sung by the Cathedral Chamber Choir. Child care available for babies-2nd graders.

Parish Spaghetti Dinner
Sunday, December 1 at 6:30 pm

Celebrate the start of Advent with your Cathedral family! Forget the leftover turkey and stuffing and join us following the Advent Lessons + Carols service for a laid-back spaghetti dinner for all ages. This is a wonderful opportunity for our community to come together as we prepare our hearts and mind for the birth of Christ. In a season that is often busy and hectic, come and take a moment to enjoy a meal with friends and center yourself in the spirit of Advent. Suggested donation of $5/person, $15 max per family.

EYSeedling Christmas Party for 3rd-5th graders
Sunday, December 8 at 2:30 pm

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! Wear a tacky Christmas sweater or something festive for our holiday gathering. We’ll have a hot cocoa bar, make gingerbread houses, and enjoy some pizza. Bring a wrapped, silly gift for our gift exchange ($10 max). Hosted by the Erickson family. 

Christmas Eve Services
Tuesday, December 24 at 5:00 pm and 10:30 pm

The 5:00 pm service is more family-friendly with the full Cathedral choir and brass. Nursery care is available for kids, infants through age 6. The 10:30 pm service also has the Cathedral choir and candlelight

Cathedral Arts Troupe Easter Performance

Compassion Camp Performance

Children’s Ministry Celebration Bags


We delivered 53 goody bags to 29 families in May. The bags differed by age and interest, but here is a list of what we included. You may want to share some of these goodies with children in your life!

Love is Patient, Love is Kind
All Creatures Great and Small
When God Made You
When God Made the World
When I Pray for You

Just for Fun
Mad Libs
Bubbles with a Bubble Prayer: Let God's love bubble up over in your heart! Who can you share God's love with today?Who can you pray for as the bubbles float up, up and away?
Play-Doh and Air-Dry Clay

Resources to Download
Play-Doh prayer mat (we laminated this page to make clean up easier)
Guide to Self-Care at Home for Families at Home

Prayer + Faith Formation
Small Prayer Journals
3 Minute Gratitude Journal
Comic Book Journal — Prayer is a conversation with God. This journal provides a space to creatively record where you see God in the world, as well as conversations and questions you have for God.

A blessing for our children after participating in the Bread and Cup Eucharist Instruction Series

Today we celebrate the hard work of these children as they, over the past 5 weeks, have deepened their knowledge of our Episcopal Worship. They have explored and found joy in scripture, in worship, and in our traditions. As they experience the mystery of the table, our hope is that they would know the love of Jesus found there.

To the children:
Friends, I have a few questions to ask you. Do you know that Jesus loves you?
Do you promise to love yourself?
Do you promise to love your neighbor?
Will you share with us Jesus’ love at this table by receiving communion?

To the parents: Adults, will you continue to model for these young ones love and forgiveness?
Will you share with them the nourishment at this table?

To the congregation:
Will you continue to share with these young persons the joy and wonder in all of God’s creation?

Let us pray: Be present, be present O Jesus, our great high priest as you were present with your disciples, and be known to us in the breaking of the bread; who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Praise! Fine Arts VBS | August 2019


We are so proud of our kids! We had a blast exploring all the ways we praise God through sharing our talents, remembering to say thanks, and seeing the beauty of God’s creation. Here’s a slideshow that captures some highlights and a video of their performance of Uyai Mose during worship on August 11. Enjoy!


Faith at Home

Curious about how to incorporate faith at home? A great way to start is by building a library of children’s spirituality books. They don’t need to be read separately, just weave them in naturally to bedtime stories or whenever your family reads together. This is a list of carefully chosen books that reflect God’s unconditional love for us and all people. Enjoy some summer reading!