Cathedral 2025 Faith Filled Financial Commitment

Every year at this time we invite our congregation to make a faith-filled financial commitment for the coming year to support the mission and ministry of the Cathedral. Those commitments pay for salaries, supplies, insurance, utilities, coffee and donuts.

But your faith-filled financial commitment also helps St. Peter's make a difference:

* A difference in the lives of children at Campbell Park Elementary. We provide warm sweatshirts for children during a cold snap, school supplies for students who otherwise would go without, week-in and week-out hands-on support for teachers, and occasional snacks and celebrations for teachers and staff at a school that was once dismissed as "a failure factory" but now offers children a future.

* A difference in the lives of seniors at Peterborough Apartments, where we offer treats, emergency and get-well bags, and a connection with lonely and isolated residents.

* A difference in the lives of families at Florida Resurrection House, with supplies and volunteers to help single-parent families become self-supporting.

* A difference in the lives of our children and youth, who form their faith, begin a relationship with Jesus, and find supportive friendships with peers and adults.

* A difference in the lives of our congregation, as we return to in-person worship and events we still maintain our online worship, contact those who are isolated, regular pastoral-care visits and calls by our clergy, Chapter and the Stewardship Committee, and the reassurance that the Cathedral will be here at any time help is needed.

* A difference in the life of our community. We take seriously our Biblical charge to "seek the welfare of the city." We participate in the Not My Son rallies to show our support for Black youth. We offer music and arts activities open to the wider community. We support the LGBTQ+ community with our Spiritual Pride dinner and our participation in St. Pete Pride. All year round we invite our parishioners to contribute food, hygiene supplies, Christmas gifts, and other items for the vulnerable members of our

We invite you to participate in this transformational work by making a faith-filled financial commitment to St. Peter's through our 2025 commitment drive.

Your faith-filled commitment matters because St. Peter's matters. Will you help us continue to make a difference?