Cathedral Ministries + Guilds

Service is an important part of our faith. When we come together for worship, we engage in the liturgy, which means “the work of the people”. You are invited to participate in worship and the life of the church. In fact, neither would happen without the active involvement of the congregation. There is a way for everyone to offer their time and talents.

If you’d like more information or have questions about how to get involved, please contact Hillary Peete, Director of Christian Formation. Ministry/guild coordinators will reach out with more information and help you get connected.


Liturgical Ministries

The liturgy of the Episcopal Church is what makes it so remarkable.  At the Cathedral alone, nearly 500 Eucharists are celebrated a year and these are made possible by the Altar Guild members.  One of the most significant ministries in the church, it is open to anyone who finds their spiritual home in the preparation of the Lord's Table.  The Altar Guild prepares every aspect of the Eucharist and assist also at weddings, funerals, baptisms and ordinations.

Contact: Sarah Hill ( and Susan Regan (

The music program at the Cathedral exists for many reasons. Its chief purpose is to glorify God, and to assist, encourage and inspire the congregation in worship.

Contact: Dwight Thomas (

The verger is the lay assistant to the clergy and serves like a stage manager for worship services and other special services like funerals, confirmation and ordinations. The verger must be familiar with the layout of the church and, for any given Sunday, be able to organize the procession that takes place and keep track (and cue when necessary) lay persons involved with the service.

Contact: Randy Ramsey (

We process carrying crosses, torches and/or flags and banners.  We serve at the altar during the worship services performing various duties, including processing during the reading of the gospel, holding the gospel book for the deacon/priest and carrying torches.  We assist in any way requested by the priests, deacon, vergers or Eucharistic ministers.

We welcome all children in 3rd grade and up and adults. On-the-job training.
Contact: Ken Esteb  (

A Lector is a person trained in the reading of the Word and appointed by the Dean to read lessons or lead the Prayers of the People. Those who are interested will be put on the rota after training.

Contact: Jean Beshears (

Eucharistic Ministers are authorized and licensed by the Bishop to administer the consecrated elements of the eucharist. Eucharistic Ministers assist in the distribution of Communion during the liturgy and are an integral part of the liturgy altar team and may also serve as lectors for certain services.

Contact: Ken Esteb  (

Ushers make all who enter feel welcome, distribute bulletins at worship services, take up the offering, assist during communion by handling the flow of parishioners from pews to the altar and afterward direct clergy to those needing to take communion where they are seated.

Contact: Karen Torrisi (

The Flower Guild arranges the flowers in the Cathedral every week and for every liturgical event. They work in teams of three to four and are on duty once every four to five weeks. New members are welcome!

Contact: Ron Gallucci ( and Michael Ricciardi (


Formation + Outreach Ministries

The Cathedral has a variety of offerings to deepen our spiritual lives and sense of connection. From weekly Bible studies on Zoom, book studies, race and social justice, to small group gatherings, there’s something for everyone.

Contact: Hillary Peete (

We believe a rich faith life starts with formation, so we strive to come alongside our young people and their families to meet them where they are. There are a variety of programs for nursery age, children, youth, and parents discussion groups.

Contact: Hillary Peete (

The tradition of a parish prayer ministry is a beautiful part of both the spiritual and pastoral life of many congregations. You are invited to incorporate the Cathedral Prayer List and weekly Prayers of the People into your prayer life. If you would like to learn more about how to offer care and prayer to members, contact the coordinator.

Contact: Karen Amundrud (

Becoming Beloved Community is The Episcopal Church's long-term commitment to racial healing, reconciliation and justice. The Mission of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter's Becoming Beloved Community is to serve as catalysts, educators, and influencers.

Contact: Betsy Adams (

The Order of the Daughters of the King is a 130-year-old religious order for women. The mission of the Order is be the extension of Christ’s Kingdom through prayer, service, and evangelism.

Contact: Kathy Kelly (

Eucharistic Visitors take Holy Communion to those people who are unable to attend church, providing them with the opportunity to share in our corporate worship.

Contact: Karen Amundrud (

Members of St. Veronica’s guild meet regularly to work on needlepoint, knitting, sewing and other projects. This group created knitted or crocheted hats for chemotherapy and other treatments, twiddle muffs for memory-care units, and prayer/comfort blankets for terminally ill patients, all at St. Anthony’s Hospital.

Contact: Carole Cowan (

Education for Ministry is a curriculum-based program from the University of the South (Sewanee) that encompasses small group reflection, Bible study, Theological Reflections, and much more. Participants at the Cathedral meet every Monday from 6-8:30pm between Labor Day and Memorial Day.

Contact: Michelle Thomas (

This faith-filled group will gather to share prayer concerns, 20 minutes of silent meditation, and a brief prayer service to conclude. Our aim is to deepen our fellowship through prayer. 

All are welcome, whether you have experience with silent meditation or are just curious.

Contact Julie McClure ( for more information.

The Men’s Bible Study group gathers on Thursday mornings at 7:45am to discuss scripture and other topics. Enjoy a cup of coffee and a great faith-filled discussion with a wonderful group of guys.

Contact: Frank Casorio



Hospitality Ministries

Hospitality Guild members welcome newcomers to the church in many ways. Join us in our effort to intentionally greet our visitors, offer them information about St. Peter’s, and make a first personal contact.

Contact: Canon Brandon Peete (

Volunteers are needed on a rotating basis to prepare coffee and donuts before the 10:15 am service.

Contact: Judy Stark (

The Lazarus Guild is an extension of the Cathedral’s bereavement ministry. Guild members assist families with funerals and memorial services.

Contact: Karen Torrisi (, or Kathy Coughlan (

The Cathedral’s Wedding Belles have the distinct pleasure of assisting couples on their very special wedding day. We serve to ease the worries and stress of everyone in the wedding party by providing helpful information at the wedding rehearsal and meeting the needs of the wedding party on the day of the wedding.

Contact: Gail McCoy (


Fellowship Ministries

Whether it’s nonfiction or fiction, religious or secular, the St. Peter’s Book Club always has something interesting to read and share!

The book club meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:30 pm in the Chapter Room, or via Zoom.

Contact: Roberta Poellein (

Young adults (ages 20ish to 40ish) looking for connection and community with people in similar life situations as you, please consider joining the young adult group at the Cathedral. We meet up monthly for a variety of social events.

Contact: Hillary Peete (

The Friends of St. Aelred is an organization of LGBTQIA+ Episcopalians and their friends and supporters that strive for social justice, fellowship, and service to the community.

Contact: Stephen Willis (




The Cathedral Chapter is the 12-member lay board of directors that, with the Dean, sets policy, oversees Cathedral finances and promotes its spiritual welfare. Members serve staggered three-year terms with four people elected each January at our Annual Meeting.

The Outreach Committee meets monthly. It is a combination and coordination of outreach efforts in the Cathedral, both locally and abroad.

Because we are compelled by Christ to be the healing presence of God’s love in the world, we work to transform the lives of the vulnerable through food, health, education, relationship building, and inclusivity initiatives. Our community partners include: Benison Farm, Campbell Park Elementary School, Florida Resurrection House, and Peterborough Apartments.

Contact: Susan Darrow (

Stewardship is more than raising money or conducting a pledge drive; it’s committing the resources God has generously and lovingly given us — including financial resources — to do God’s work in the world.
”Everything I have is God’s gift to me. What I do with it, how I use it, and how I share it with others, is in thankful response. It is my gift to God.”

Contact: Ray McColgan (

The Worship Committee coordinates the various groups involved in the worship of the Cathedral. It is made up of leaders of the following groups: Acolytes, Altar Guild, Flower Guild, Ushers, and Vergers, as well as the clergy and staff of the Cathedral.
It meets the second Thursday of every other month to discuss upcoming special worship events and any problems that have come to our attention regarding worship. The objective is to work ahead so as to make worship as meaningful as possible for as many parishioners as possible.

Contact: Canon for Music Dwight Thomas (