On March 27, community activists from all around Pinellas County and from St. Peter’s will stand face-to-face with elected officials and other leaders and ask how they will respond to the issues of social justice identified by FAST — Faith and Action for Strength Together.
This annual gathering is called the Nehemiah Action, named after the prophet Nehemiah, who stood in a large assembly before the nobles and officials of his community and challenged them to stop charging unjust and unfair interest, and gained a promise from the nobles to stop. (Read the full story in Nehemiah 5:1-13.)
If you haven’t already registered, please talk with Betsy Adams, Kathy Coughlan, Cynthia Garrels, or Hillary Peete to sign up or get more information, or visit spcathedral.org/fast. Car pooling can be arranged. Remember the Biblical injunction to “do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”