Our Service of Choral Evensong at 5 pm February 27 —the last Sunday after the Epiphany — will feature the “Service in D” by George Dyson.
A Yorkshireman, Dyson (1883-1964) served in World War I and was an expert on grenades. Later he became director of the Royal College of Music. One of his notable accomplishments there was granting a full scholarship to Julian Bream, “a pivotal moment in the young guitarist’s path to greatness,” Wikipedia tells us. His evening services continue to be popular in English churches and cathedrals, where they are considered part of the core repertory. Dyson’s son was the theoretical physicist and mathematician Freeman Dyson, who died in 2020. Among his grandchildren are the science historian George Dyson and the philanthropist, tech analyst, and commercial space-travel investor Esther Dyson.
The service includes the Responses of Gerre Hancock and Richard Shepherd’s anthem, “Te Deum laudamus.” An organ prelude is at 4:45 pm. The Cathedral Chamber Choir will sing. Dwight Thomas is director and organist. A freewill offering is taken.