Sr. EYC Christmas Party (9th-12th grade)
Sunday, December 11 from 4:00-6:00 pm
The Great Escape Room (2429 Central Ave Suite 101)
Please RSVP by November 27
The Final Seance Escape Challenge: Famed illusionist Harry Houdini passed away on October 31, 1926. Prior to his death, he and his beloved wife, Bess, had discussed her trying to contact him in the afterlife. It is now ten years since the death of Harry Houdini. Bess has decided that this will be her final attempt before she will give up on trying to contact Houdini forever. You have come to her aid in an attempt to help her succeed before she puts out the lights on Harry’s shrine for good. Will you succeed in helping Bess to contact her beloved husband one last time or will Houdini rest in silence forever?