On each of the four Wednesdays in Advent, Canon Ethan Cole will lead a conversation based on readings from the prophet Isaiah which speak to an Advent theme. The themes are drawn from the Collect for each week from the Book of Common Prayer (p. 211-212). The gathering will be a potluck supper in Harvard Hall! The church will provide an entree like soup and bread or a casserole—you are invited to bring a dish to pass. Bring your bible too! Extra bibles will be available. Contact Canon Ethan Cole with questions or to register to join.
December 1: “Cast away the works of darkness” — Isaiah 5:1-30, 27:1-13
December 8: “Called to repentance” — Isaiah 6:11-13, 30:1-33
December 15: “Bountiful grace and mercy” — Isaiah 55:1-56:8
December 22 “Christ with us daily” — Isaiah 61:1-11, Luke 4:14-21