This year, the Cathedral will offer the full lessons and carols service, not a shortened version that is offered during the 10:15 am service. The service offers eight readings that trace the story of salvation, from the Garden of Eden through the angel Gabriel’s stunning announcement to Mary through the promise of the Second Coming.
There are 14 carols or hymns, some familiar, some less so: “Jesus Christ the Apple Tree,” Britten’s “Hymn to the Virgin,” and more. Dwight Thomas, Canon for Music and Precentor is excited that the service will open with candlelighting. Everyone will be given a candle upon entering. The first reading comes from Genesis, where God says, ‘Let there be light,’ and the flame will be passed from person to person.
In this time of pandemic, as we mourn our losses and deal with our grief, the Advent themes of promise, hope, and expectation take on a different, poignant meaning. The candlelighting, the readings, and the music all lead us from darkness into light, reminders that our God will come to save us from the darkness of sin and death and to bring us to the resplendence of God’s kingdom.