This six-part lecture series looks at the development of dance in the musical film industry. The focus is on the intersections of dance with film technology, the rise and fall of studio industry, the director generations, and those dancers and choreographers who brought dance musicals to the screen.
Jan. 24 | 1920 – 30s - Musical Film Beginnings. (the rise of studios, Busby Berkley, and the innovations of Fred Astaire, Hemes Pan and Ginger Rodgers) Jan. 31 | The Fred Astaire Legacy: Astaire's other partners. (Leslie Caron, Jane Powell, Eleanor Powell, Vera-Ellen. Rita Hayworth, Cyd Charisse) Feb. 14 | Gene Kelly: the Creative Giant of Film Feb. 28 | 1940 – 60s - The Golden Era of Musicals: Choreographers and Dancers. (Marge and Gowar Champion, Bob Fosse, Debbie Reynolds, Nick Castle, Robert Alton, Anne Miller) March 07 | 1970 – 80s -Blame it on Elvis : The Death of the Mega Musical and the return of Broadway. (Elvis and Rock & Roll; Onna White, Alex Romero, Shirley Maclaine, Chita Rivera, Julie Andrews) March 14 | 1980 - 21st century - The TV Generation of Directors : Actors Stop Training. (the Block-buster film; Disney; the non-dancer celebrity)