Worship is at the heart of the Cathedral Church of St. Peter.
God brings us together, prayer centers us, and worship reminds us that we are God’s beloved. Worship is an open invitation to all to explore the unique call from Jesus to come and follow him.


Guidelines for Returning to Worship

The Cathedral Church of St. Peter is committed to providing a safe space on Sundays for those who desire to join us for in-person worship. We will plan carefully for each individual and family attending to provide plenty of space in the pews.  In addition to these in-person worship offerings, we will continue to live stream the 10:15 am service online. Please carefully review these guidelines below before making the decision to attend in-person worship.

To help us plan safely, we will need everyone to make a reservation to join us for worship. 

General Guidelines for Reopening Worship at the Cathedral Church of St. Peter

A return to in-person worship will require us to accept changes in how we gather and participate in worship. The Cathedral has carefully crafted these guidelines based on best practices. Our primary concern is the health and well-being of our community and parish family. We appreciate your grace and understanding as we move forward in circumstances that can change.

  1. Public spaces in the church will be cleaned according to CDC guidelines.

  2. Keep a social distance of 6 feet between you and individuals outside your household.

  3. Masks must be worn by all who attend worship services for the entire worship service. Masks prevent the spread of the virus. In a recent New England Journal of Medicine study, half of the patients who tested positive for Covid-19 had no symptoms at the time of testing.  A mask will not protect you from getting the virus, but it will prevent you from transmitting the virus to someone else.

  4. Hand sanitizer is available throughout the church. Please use freely!

  5. Parishioners over the age of 65 should consult with their personal physician for guidance before attending a public worship service.  While age alone has not been identified as an independent risk factor, it is known that immunity decreases with age. Individuals over the age of 65 who have one of the conditions mentioned above are at increased risk.

  6. Parishioners who have exhibited signs of illness within the last 48 hours such as a fever, cough, aches, or other symptoms of Covid-19 should stay home. For an updated list of Covid-19 symptoms visit cdc.gov.

  7. Parishioners who have been exposed to someone with Covid-19 within the last 14 days should stay home.


  1. Please enter through the doors up the ramp. You can enter as early as 9:45 am, but please refrain from socializing before the service.

  2. Please sit only where a sign indicates an open pew. There will be no prayer books or hymnals in the pews. Service leaflets will be available or you may view the bulletin on your device.

  3. Please keep your mask on when you come forward for communion. You may remove your mask when you return to the pew and consume the host. Communion will consist of the Bread (Body of Christ) which is considered full communion.

  4. At the Peace, no touching will be permitted between individuals outside of your household.

  5. We will not pass the plate during the Offertory. Plates will be located throughout the church for your offering.

  6. Only restrooms in the narthex will be available.

  7. No nursery or childcare will be available.


  1. No coffee, water, or cookie stations will be available.  

  2. Parishioners are asked to leave the building immediately and not to congregate outside or on the steps.


Choral Evensong


Choral Evensong
4th Sundays at 5:00 pm (September - April)

These services of sung Evening Prayer, as outlined in the Book of Common Prayer, are performed by the Cathedral Chamber Choir. Evensong is part of an ancient tradition in the Anglican church. Primarily sung by the choir, Evensong offers time for reflections and centering. It is also an opportunity for music lovers to hear complex and unique musical works in a beautiful setting. An organ prelude is at 4:45 pm with Evensong at 5:00 pm. A freewill offering is taken and a reception follows the service. Click here for more information about the most current Evensong.