Restore Us By Your Loving Care
Lenten Guide for 2025


Within the pages of this Lenten guide, you’ll find Icons by local Iconographer Christine Hales. Over 50 of her Icons are in the Cathedral to enrich our corporate worship and invite us into deeper personal encounters with God. The purpose of this booklet is to guide you through a meaningful season of authentic introspection, education about Iconography, and meaningful connection with someone else through shared devotions. Each day of the week will offer a particular way to engage these intentions:

Sunday | Meditate on the week’s scripture readings from the lectionary

Monday | Commit to a spiritual practice for the week

Tuesday | Engage an Icon (each one pictured is also at the Cathedral)

Wednesday | Become inspired by the life of a Saint

Thursday | Engage a written meditation

Friday | Listen to music by The Good Shepherd Collective

Saturday | Invite a friend or family member to be your prayer companion for these shared devotions

May this Lent be a time you experience God’s deep love for you. May you come to find moments of healing, restoration, and sacred beauty. Lent is a time for us to lay before God that which is broken and seek God’s transformation. Icons are meant to draw us in; they are not passive encounters. Allow yourself to be drawn into the very presence of God.

American Association of Iconographers Articles

Monday, March 9 | How to prepare an Icon board

Monday, March 17 | Sacred Geometry

Monday, March 24 | Uncreated Light

Monday, March 31 | God’s Perspective

The Good Shepherd Collective Music

Friday, March 7 | Dust We Are and Shall Return

Friday, March 14 | 10,000 Reasons

Friday, March 21 | Always Been Faithful

Friday, March 28 | Hide Not Your Face

Friday, April 4 | A Change is Gonna Come

Friday, April 11 | Free