The Cathedral offers a variety of ministries and programs that help adults to strengthen their relationship with God and continue to grow as disciples. Please, come as you are, and learn and grow in the knowledge and
love of God.
Zoom Virtual Coffee Hour: Login information for Sunday, August 30
Zoom Login Meeting ID: 898 1408 7150 Passcode: Donut
Contact the Bible study leader for the Zoom login information
Book of James | Canon Ethan J. Cole
Book of Matthew | Canon Paige Hanks
Email Canon Paige Hanks to sign up
Adult Formation Archives
When possible, we provide video links to recorded classes.
These small groups are not meeting due to COVID-19 safety precautions
Weekday Studies
The Cathedral Men's Bible Study meets in the Narthex on Thursday at 7:30 a.m. for an hour. No advance preparation is required. Men may attend as they are able and do not necessarily need to make a weekly commitment. We read through a book of the Bible systematically, discussing its meaning and application for our daily lives. This is an excellent opportunity for men to get to know each other better and to grow in Christ.
Contact: Frank Casorio (
A Bible study focusing on systematic reading of the New Testament moving from Matthew to Revelation. This study, led by Bill Roen, PhD from Catholic University and a retired Lutheran pastor, will look for the themes that bind the New Testament together as a whole by closely analyzing passages from each of its books. United in their witness to his Cross and Resurrection, the apostles and evangelists offer a different answers to the question—Who is Jesus?--depending upon the situation of the church for which they are writing. We will be searching for meanings using the critical tools designed for the study of literature to delve into the meaning of each passage and deal with the deepest issues of the faith we find there. Our goal will be to better understand the New Testament writings in their original context and apply that to the context of our own lives. Bring your Bibles and be prepared for a great adventure.
Young Adults
Cathedral 20s/40s | meets throughout the year
Young adults (ages 20ish to 40ish) looking for connection and community with people in similar life situations as you, please consider joining the young adult group at the Cathedral. There is a private Facebook group, where we communicate with each other, sharing ideas, questions, prayer requests, and of course, opportunities to get together.
You can search for the group on facebook: Cathedral Church of St. Peter's 20/40 Group)
Resources for Prayer
In October and November, the Rev. Canon Dr. Thomas Williams led a class on the book “Inwardly Digest” by Derek Olsen. This class explored how the patterns of life laid out in The Book of Common Prayer serve as a guide to the spiritual life, so that we might connect back to the God who calls each of us by name and that we might love as God loves us.
As a result of that class, the Rev. Canon Dr. Thomas Williams has gathered a list of resources for prayer:
Life in Christ, Julia Gatta
Saint Augustine's Prayer Book, David Cobb and Derek Olsen
Praying Our Days, Frank Griswold
Centering Prayer, M. Basil Pennington
The Examen Prayer, Timothy Gallagher
You can also find the Rev. Canon Dr. Thomas Williams on Facebook at ThomasPraystheOffice daily at 7:00 am and 6:00 pm. These will also be accessible on the Cathedral’s Facebook page.
Pop-up Prayers
Daily prayer is part of life for the Cathedral community. All are invited to join in and experience pop-up prayers with Canon Katie Churchwell. Canon Katie Churchwell leads these on her Facebook page and they take a variety of forms, from a simple invitation to leave a prayer request to more interactive prayers.