
We are excited to announce our Easter series "50 Faces of the Cathedral." During the Great 50 Days we will feature a different individual or family from the Cathedral on social media. Each day’s post will also be shared here.

Everyone will answer the question "What does Easter mean to you?" as well as other questions to help us get to know one another better. Some faces will be new, others familiar. How wonderful it will be to see everyone in person once we can gather again!

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Day 48

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Audie (aka Audio, Little Tyke, Audacious Audie)
Audie started attending choir practice in May 2019

Audie attended the 10:15 am service over the summer of 2019 and then weekday services, or Evensong. He had a hard time settling down for the whole service and since his raiser was in choir, did not get to attend many Sunday services. But in addition to choir practice he liked to attend coffee hour and Friday night movies.

Audie remembers Easter of 2019 because friends from choir stopped by and played with him in the backyard. He wondered why that did not happen this year.

Audie's hobby is stealing his raiser's shoes and socks, and chewing on his Benebone. What he enjoys most is running and playing with other puppies.

He has missed putting on his coat and going places to "work." He is bored at home.

His college admission was scheduled for March but was deferred. He has once again seen the trainers from Southeastern Guide Dog school working in St. Petersburg so he is hopeful that he will get to go to school in June.

Audie loves that the people of the Cathedral were so welcoming to him. He loved the last service he attended on March 12 when Canon Katie offered a blessing as he was preparing to go to school. He misses choir practice, being the center of attention, and having a place to go to work on his guide dog skills. He is ready to finish his training and fulfill his mission to be a guide dog or service dog. His raiser continues to pray that he will learn all his lessons and be a blessing to someone else.

Audie was named for Audie Murphy, a World War II hero.

Day 47

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Shar Nudelman
Attends the 10:15 am service / Joined in 2011

Easter to me is the real beginning of a new year. Like most people, on December 31st I make resolutions for the upcoming year (that I somehow forget after the first or second week in January). But the new year that begins for me on Easter, is the rebirth/reawakening of my spirit after the 40 days of reflection during Lent when I ask God to show me ways and to help me keep working on my ever growing relationship with him.

During quarantine I’ve missed the pleasure of being with others; getting and giving hugs to family and friends; in person conversations; the Cathedral family and serving at the Cathedral.

I see signs of new life everywhere. One of the good things that has come out of quarantine is that our family, who live all around the country, is sharing pictures of the scenery around them when taking walks and hikes which has led me to look more carefully at my surroundings when I’m out walking, too. I take time to actually “see” and feel the beauty of nature around me and “smell the roses”.

Day 46

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Elizabeth Brown and Christian Haller
Attended the 10:15 am service (in the choir) / Joined in 2010

Easter’s kind of a shock factor, if you think about it. No one on that first Easter was actually happy; they were grieving, burdened, argumentative, (cooped-up indoors), confused, untrusting, angry – and then they flipped. Right. The heck. Out. – But there He was all the same. Saying, “I have just shaken up the status quo of the entire universe … and that’s okay. You’re okay. I'm here. Let go.” – I cry at Easter sometimes; it’s cathartic. We’re creatures of habit, and it’s hard to let go of what hurts or grieves or bothers you, for some reason. But it’s okay. You’re okay. He’s got you; He was there first. Then when you finally get it, and all the insurmountable love floods over you – then the singing and laughing, and the “Allelujah! Allelujah!” really hits hard. Easter is full of All the Feelz.

In my spare time I hike, draw, canoe, sing, travel, cook, study geology & languages, and engage in random acts of idiosyncratic foibles.

When my solitary exile for the good of the mortal realm is fulfilled (admit it: that sounds MUCH more valorous and awesome than “self-isolation.” So clinical….) I’m hoping to go to Montreal. My husband & I were planning a trip right when this whole thing started.

Day 43

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Eden and Esther Jacobson
Attend the 10:15 am service / Have attended the Cathedral our whole lives!

To me, Easter means a big Easter egg hunt!
I miss Messy Church and seeing my friends.

To me, Ester means a whole day full of exciting things.
I see new life when I see weeds growing in the pineapple plants.
I miss everything about the Cathedral during this quarantine.

Day 42

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Beth and Tim Snyder
Attend the 10:15 am service / Have attended for 10 years

Easter is the season of new life and rebirth. This time of social distancing has given us an opportunity to re-invent ourselves and challenged us to follow Jesus’ example by creating new ways of connecting and sharing Christ’s love in the world. It has given us opportunities to develop deeper friendships with neighbors during evening “driveway gatherings”-- always at least 6-feet apart! Beth started driving for Meals on Wheels and has donated many hand-sewn masks to organizations, neighbors and friends. It has been a time to discover new talents and blessings and to re-discover talents we haven’t used for many years.

We miss singing in the choir. Unfortunately, science is telling us that group singing is one of the riskiest activities to engage in during a pandemic like this one, because we expire droplets potentially quite a distance while breathing and singing in close proximity to others. It is nice that we have enough space to accommodate 2 to 4 musicians safely for our Sunday worship live streams, so we can continue to hear wonderful music each week. Since many in the choir are also missing the singing, we are grateful to Dwight for embracing the “virtual choir” concept that allows St Peter’s choir members to participate while staying at home. Members are preparing our second virtual anthem now, and Tim is engineering and editing the video that will appear on the Cathedral’s Vimeo site in early June.

We ride motorcycles locally and cross-country. Beth is a member of The Motor Maids, the oldest women’s motorcycle association. While riding to and from conventions she has visited 44 states. Tim belongs to a national group of riders and has ridden in 49 states and has gone as far as the Arctic Circle. Tim also has a YouTube Channel covering various motorcycle topics. During the last few weeks Beth has sewed about 60 masks and given them away.

Day 41

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Greg and Gaye Burnsed
Attend the 10:15 am service / Have attended for 35 years

To us, Easter means new life to us and new beginnings.

Honestly, we miss everything about the Cathedral, the people, music, liturgy, serving others, kneeling at the altar...you name it, we miss it!

The first place we want to go after the quarantine is over is into the arms of our loved ones, especially the grandchildren. We have missed hugs SO much!

Day 40

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The Bond Family: Webb, Kara, Livie (9), Campbell Lee (6), and Lucy Mae (3)
Attend the 10:15 am service / Have attended for 4 years

Easter is a reminder of our faith and our love. Without it, we don’t have our togetherness and our church community. It is a reset button in our hectic lives to remember the beauty, grace, and wonder of life. Maybe it is fitting that the pandemic is occurring during this time. It is a chance for us all to focus on the positives in this world because we know that these trials, while temporary, are another wonderful blessing from God. He never gives us more than we can handle and we hope that the world remembers to always turn to Him. We hope that all families find the blessings and simple joys that these times have brought. May the peace of the Lord be always with you and yours.

What do you love about the Cathedral?
Livie: Learning about the Lord with friends.
Campbell: I love it when babies get baptized.
Lucy Mae: Miss Jenny in the nursery. And Father Stephen!

Where is the first place you want to go when the quarantine is over?
Livie: My friends’ house
Campbell: School
Lucy Mae: Harvey’s

Day 39

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Nancy and David Kramer
Attend the 10:15 am service / Joined in 2017

Easter is the yearly reminder of the miraculous gift of forgiveness given to us all by God through our Savior Jesus Christ's glorious Resurrection.

We see life around us in our backyard garden which overflows with God' gifts: many birds, flowers, squirrels, wonderful spider webs, a visiting tortoise, butterflies in abundance. All remind us daily of the wonderful gifts of God in nature.

Upon completing Rev. Paige Hanks' Epiphany study of St. John's Gospel, we were inspired to continue personal study of the Epistles and Letters followed by Revelation We are now including with our daily grace the addition of the Evening Prayer for Mission which begins "Keep watch, dear Lord". This helps us to reflect on the current times and personal situations of those around us.

Day 38

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Joel Burnsed
Attends the 10:15 am service / Have been at the Cathedral my whole life!

Easter is a time to celebrate Jesus' rising and be together with family.

I really miss actually being at the church on Sunday.

In my free time I enjoy reading and doing science experiments.

My birthday was March 17 and we have a tradition for my birthday called the Joel Bowl. I hope we can go bowling soon!

Day 37

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Barbara Martin
Attends the 10:15 am service / Joined in 1999

To me, Easter is new beginnings and joy for the resurrection of Jesus. I particularly love the drama of the Easter Vigil service which portrays this so well.

My favorite part of worship at the Cathedral is the wonderful music and the way my spirit soars as I listen to Dwight and the choir. Of coarse, equally missed, are the homily and sermons of all of our talented priests. I miss seeing church friends and donuts!

Meanwhile, in quarantine I’ve been reading, reading, and reading - can’t wait for the libraries (in addition to St.Peter’s) to open.

A fun story: I transferred in from St.Peter’s in Amherst, N.Y. and was welcomed by Doris and Don Jenkins, who had helped start my little church in Amherst in the fifties. Small world!

Day 36

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Rich and Cathy Rome
Attend the 10:15 am service / Since we were married at St. Peter's in 2010

To us, Easter means a time of renewal, both spiritually and in nature. It's a joyful, colorful season of treasured rituals and family traditions.

On Sundays we miss the shared experience of everyone being together, the choir music, the beauty of the service, and exchanging the Peace. Cathy also misses Messy Church and being with the children.

We love riding our bikes! We've cycled in Italy & France, and last year joined 25,000 riders for a 40-mile ride through all five boroughs of New York City...in the rain.

Day 35

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Jenny Koester
Attend the 10:15 am service / Has attended since 2017

To me, Easter is a meditative time to reflect on our relationship with God and what is helping or inhibiting it. Throughout Lent, we are prompted to prioritize our time with God and build habits that better our relationship. Easter is a celebration of our renewed faith and life through Jesus.

Currently, I see new life in my windowsill garden. Since I live in an apartment with little access to green space, I planted plenty of vegetables to feed me and keep me busy. Every new sprout of a carrot seed or leaf on a Swiss chard plant is a reminder of the new life that comes with the Easter season.

In my spare time, I enjoy reading, baking, gardening, cooking, spending time outside, and playing Animal Crossing on the Nintendo Switch.

What I miss most about the Cathedral is helping with the Youth programming. It was a privilege to draw funny pictures, talk about scripture, and do Children's Eucharist with the young members of the Cathedral.

Day 34

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Averill and Bob Summer
Attend the 10:15 am service / Attended since 2011

I have always looked forward to Easter. I am so uplifted by the message of rebirth, renewal, and all of the ways we experience these things, both in nature and also in our spiritual lives. Our liturgy, music, and flowers on Easter morning are always thrilling, and while I appreciate participating through webcasts, there’s nothing like being in the church with others to sing, pray, smell the Easter lilies, and finally sing our Alleluias.

This Easter is certainly a unique one. There are so many ways to see new life, from so many people in our community stepping forward to help others in this time of uncertainty and difficulty, to all the generous outreach to all of us through Zoom and other media from everything from our clergy and other spiritual leaders to the great musicians of the world.

The first place I want to go when the quarantine is over is to wherever my family will be gathering so that I can hug them all. I have become so aware during this period of isolation how much I miss hugging my loved ones and physically being together to share our lives.

Day 33

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Margaret Fitzpatrick
Attends the 10:15 am service / Have attended since October 2019

To me, Easter means renewal and the gift of eternal life.

I miss familiar faces from Hillary, Katie, Alicia and Jennifer in the nursery to name just a few. I miss going to a special place to worship right next to someone I love. I miss the feeling of being in a place of peace without distractions to feel transported by a sermon. I miss peeking through the nursery window and watching my two boys playing or fussing or napping on Jennifer's lap. I miss singing in a group. I miss donuts.

In my spare time I enjoy baking (this is a new thing) and reading.

Day 32

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Jay and Barbara Marshall
Attend the 10:15 am service / Attended for 10 years

Easter means a lot to us. Beyond the Christian significance of Easter season, Holy week and Easter day, what about those fun images and traditions. Did you know that, apparently, pretzels used to be the Easter food of choice because they looked like a person whose hands were crossed in prayer? And who doesn’t know that coloring eggs brilliant colors helps usher in spring.

Every day is a wonderful gift to us. Reading on our porch, sharing time with our neighbors, watching butterflies soar around our plants, listening (and contributing) to the noises of our great community and family neighborhood--- these experiences differ each day and reflect the greatness of the Lord’s work.

We love so much about the Cathedral! Welcoming greeting at the front door! Its energy—diversity—feeling of inclusion—caring--worshiping together in a magnificent church building--great website/social media platforms--fun/enriching church programs--magnificent music and choir—talented/smart leadership; Whew! All good! And the ongoing experience of us together in learning and support and us experiencing our own personal growth in our walk of faith.

Day 31

Fay Mackey (pictured with son, Charlie and daughter, Paige)
Attends the 10:15 am service and Thursday or Friday 12:05 pm / Has attended since she was a newborn!

I have attended St. Peter’s since I was a newborn. I was Christened at St. Bartholomew’s because it was my paternal Grandmother’s church. My mother went to St. Peter’s as a child and she and my father were married at St. Peter’s. My mother’s parents had their funerals at St. Peter’s and my parents are interred in the garden. My mother wanted to be buried in the garden because she wanted to be where there are  people and around action. Little did we know she would be around plenty of action when the old parish hall, offices and classrooms were torn down and rebuilt. My mother, Phoebe, was on the Altar Gould and started the needlepoint guild and named it for my paternal grandmother, Veronica. My mother needlepointed the bridal kneeler and I was the first bride to use it. My father was an usher, junior and senior warden for many various terms and was on several search committees. I sang in the Children’s Chapel  and Junior Choirs. I had to stop singing in the choir when I went to Berkeley and had to contend with the commute and all the homework. I sang in the Adult Choir under Mr. Setzer and loved being amongst all the beautiful voices, harmonies and sounds from the pipes. My dad sang in the choir at the same but would often stop singing because he was overwhelmed with the beauty of the music.

What Easter means to me: On the temporal side, I love the smell of all the lilies, the spring colors, the triumphal hymns and the brass instruments. On the more spiritual side, I’m reminded of surrendering to God’s will. Jesus’ struggle and then surrendering to God’s purpose for him always hurts me deeply. As the priests used to say right before Communion, I am not worthy, I am not worthy. I have a hard time justifying such love for me. In more practical ways, over my life time I have learned I must to surrender to reality. My will is getting me no where and causing me great difficulty and pain. Life goes smoothly when I surrender to God’s will. In big things, as well, as the small ones.

I see new life in my neighborhood. There’s always been people walking, strollers with babies, families walking together and people walking their dogs. Now there are tons of of them. At certain times of day it’s hard to weave the car through the streets to get home. But it’s wonderful to see.

I can't wait to be able to return to the Cathedral. I love doing Altar Guild for the daily 12:05 service. I love being alone in the peace and quiet of the church before and after the service. However, I can’t wait to get a haircut! My hair looks like a moth-eaten fur hat, sprigs shooting out in all directions and my bangs falling down into my weaker eye. And getting my toenails cut by someone who knows what they’re doing and can see them better than I can. I’m “elderly” I’ve been told. And cannot contort as I once did.

Day 30

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Ryan, Lucy, Caroline, Campbell, Charlotte Foster
Attend the 10:15 am service / Attended since September 2018

Easter to me is a rebirth of hope. As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we are also celebrating God's great love for us. A love strong enough to defeat death itself. After the period of self-reflection during Lent, Easter is a time of transformation and embodiment on how we can best live our lives. Love defeats hate. Hope defeats fear. Sacrifice defeats greed. Mercy defeats might. Life defeats death. In Easter, we are shown that perfect love always wins.

Caroline (age 7):
I miss going to Cathedral because I miss learning about Jesus and playing with all of the other kids. During this time at home, I like doing the zoom meetings for children's chapel on Wednesdays and Sundays.

I can't wait to go to the beach. I love to swim and make sandcastles. I also want to see my NC/VA grandparents in person and give them all big hugs.

Day 29

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Faith Peterson with Noelle Moore and Ethan Cole
Attends the 10:15 am service / Joined a year ago

To me Easter is a time of miracles and new life. In 2019 I started attending the Cathedral with my son, The Rev. Ethan Cole and my granddaughter (Ethan’s niece), Noelle Faith Moore. I love the Cathedral. It has such an amazing children’s ministry and Noelle has learned so much. I also love the music and worship. The flower guild is so talented and everyone is so loving and welcoming from the minute we walk up the steps!

I’m grateful in this Easter season for the outcomes of my daughter’s cancer surgery. She has been dealing with breast cancer for awhile now, and still has a way to go, but even with COVID, she was able to have a successful surgery and we got good reports on the biopsies after all her months of chemo. I know that Fr Thomas and many others at the Cathedral have been praying for Catherine, and I am very grateful for that. It’s a loving and prayerful community. Easter miracles abound.

The first thing I want to do when this is all over is go out for lunch and sit on a restaurant patio with good friends and family!

Day 28

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Karen Torrisi
Attends the 10:15 am service / Has attended since 2014

Easter is about renewal and new life. I am especially moved by the liturgy and experience of the Easter Vigil. Moving from darkness to light, and from silence to the joyous sounds of bells, music, and singing. We follow with a renewal and fresh commitment to our baptismal vows as we welcome new members into the faith. We are reminded that we are all “sealed by the Holy Spirit in Baptism and marked as Christ's own forever.”

I miss all the opportunities of joining together in community at the Cathedral -- worship, breaking bread (Foyers), and all other sorts of fun (trivia, movies, and celebrations).

As soon as the quarantine is over, first stop is to the hair salon!! And then to Orlando to visit my closest friends and celebrate my Godson’s graduation from Florida State University.

Day 27

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Susan and Bob Churuti
Attend the Saturday 5:00 pm service / Susan has attended since 1973; Bob since our wedding there in 1982

Easter was a very different experience this year! I normally attend the Holy Week services, the Easter Vigil, and then the 10:15 Easter Service with Bob. Easter is the focus of our entire church calendar, which makes it very hard to miss at the altar! We downloaded and printed out the Order of Service, and it was comforting to know our faith community was there with us, even though we couldn't see them!

We miss the physical presence of others, seeing everyone, and the live music at the Cathedral.

In our spare time we both enjoy reading the newspapers and books!

Day 26

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Connor Carlisle
Attends the 10:15 am service / Has attended the Cathedral since 2017

Easter to me means new life and I love all the colorful flowers that signify Spring and this new life.

During quarantine, I keep busy with school work and going to physical therapy. I can’t wait to walk without a walker.

What I miss most at the Cathedral is acolyting and seeing my friends: Molly, Ainsley, Natalie, Tommy, Connor, Joanie, Ken, David, Bob, Eric, Alicia, Olivia, Hudson, Mia, Maggie, Cristen, Dustin, Philip, and Caleb. There are so many more friends! I’m missing everyone.

The first places I want to go when quarantine is over are the Cathedral, the new St. Pete Pier, Day Spring summer camp, and Camp Able.

Day 25

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Jean Curtis
Attends the 10:15 am service / Member since December 1997

Easter is a time of new life and the renewal of God's spirit within me. It's new hope and love that God brings to us all. I see new life in the beginning of Spring, the leafing of trees, blooming flowers, baby birds, bunnies, butterflies and all God's creatures.

I miss so many things about The Cathedral. The wonderful music, the empowering sermons, the clergy, the staff, the flowers, meeting new members and especially the warm welcome from so many friends.

When the quarantine is over, I'm looking forward to returning to my volunteer work, ushering and spending time with friends.

Day 24

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Tim Staney and Matt Stewart
Attend the 10:15 am service / Joined in May 2010

In these unprecedented times within our lives, Easter is the promise that God can spring forth life from death, and that in the darkest and bleakest of times, there is still light.

We miss worship with good friends that have been like family to us at the Cathedral for almost ten years now.

When quarantine is over, the first place we want to go, after church — of course — Disney. In the meantime, we are grateful for the virtual services and Daily Office via Facebook.

Day 23

Danie, Matt, and Maverick Dahm
Attend the 10:15 am service / Matt has attended 30+ years and Danie for 10 years

To us, Easter means rebirth and a renewed spiritual commitment, coinciding with spring where we see all the new life around us. It also means time spent with family.

We miss our Sunday morning routine - attending service, visiting with family and friends after the service over coffee and donuts, then taking a walk around downtown and enjoying brunch together.

In our spare time we enjoy spending time with family, taking drives, and taking walks.

As soon as quarantine is over, we can't wait to go out to a nice meal, or back to our Sunday routine.

Day 22

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Gavin Sosa
Attends the 10:15 am service / Has attended the Cathedral for 13 years

Easter to me is a time for rebirth, new life. It is when Christ triumphs over death. His resurrection means the eternal life to all who believe in Him. Usually at Easter, we gather as a family to celebrate Jesus and it often feels like a new beginning has started.

In my spare time, I enjoy playing tennis and driving my mom crazy during quarantine 😊

After quarantine, the first place I want to go is out to dinner at a restaurant or a tennis tournament to play against other kids. Right now all I can do is practice with my coach and not play with my friends.

Day 21

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Jess & Phil Dvoracsek
Attend the 10:15 am service / Started singing at the Cathedral in 2014

To us, Easter means family and music. We sing at each service for Holy Week which means a ton of music. Additionally, we host Easter lunch at our house for both sides of the family which means about 30+ people each year.

We've been fortunate to continue singing throughout this quarantine, while it's to an empty cathedral. It will be nice to sing to a full house.

As soon as the quarantine is over, we can't wait to hug all of our nephews. We are fortunate to have both of our families close and it's been a challenge to not be able to see them regularly. We are planning on having parties every weekend to celebrate everything that we couldn't during quarantine!

Day 20

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Anslee Long
Attends the 10:15 am service / Has attended the Cathedral for 17 years

To me Easter means celebrating with friends and family after going to church in the morning. It is a special day because we all become reminded of the resurrection of Jesus while being around people we love.

Right now, I miss acolyting on Sunday’s with my friends and family because it is a fun way to stay engaged during the service.

When quarantine is over, the first place I think I will go is to the beach to hangout with all of my friends.

Day 19

Neal Ward and Jim Jeffries
Attend the 10:15 am service / Attended the Cathedral since 2011

To us, Easter means a renewal, a rebirth of life and spirit.

What we miss about the Cathedral is the beauty of our service, the amazing singing from the congregation and the people we call our spiritual family.

In our "spare time" presently, we are cooking, baking and sharing time with dear friends and our spiritual family on Zoom.

Day 18

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Susan and David Darrow
Attend the 10:15 Service / Started attending May 2019

Easter is a time to remember and celebrate of the cycle of life, death and resurrection of all of creation. Jesus is the perfect example of how we should live and grow in love as we experience the daily small deaths and resurrections of our life on earth, and how we will all experience resurrection and new life with Him when our earthly life ends.

We have experienced new life in the beautiful baby ducks on the pond we pass as we walk our dog Daisy every day in our neighborhood. We also see it in the garden bed at our son’s house that he just cleaned out. What looked like dead tomato plants are now full of new tomatoes.

We miss the Foyer dinners and Friday night movies at the Cathedral, as well as Sunday worship and fellowship with our new Cathedral family. I really miss volunteering in Ms. Baker’s 1st grade class at Campbell Park Elementary School (the class the Cathedral adopted this year). We are so grateful for the wonderful job the clergy and staff of the Cathedral has done in communicating, teaching, providing opportunities for fellowship and leading worship in this virtual way for us to continue being a community.

Looking for a picture of the two of us reminded us of our great extended trips in our motor home. We look forward to getting back on the road when the quarantine is over.

Day 17

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Michael and Samuel Saut and Ashley Furnari
attend the 10:15 am service / member since 2017

To us, Easter is a time of reflection on what Jesus sacrificed for us as he rose from the dead, and to be thankful for his sacrifice and what we have in our lives. It is also the redeeming promise that there is eternal life after this one.

What we love and miss about the Cathedral is congregating with our friends and worshiping in person on such hallowed ground, along with our conversing during coffee/doughnut hour after service.

When quarantine orders are finally lifted Samuel wants us to go to Legoland, and Ashley want to go to a restaurant to dine. We miss the experience.

Day 16

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Eric Lang Peterson
attends the 10:15 am service / attended since 1943 (family since 1925)

Easter is an emphatic event promised to us to renew our faith, hope, charity and service in our daily lives. St. Peter’s helps show the way. I often see someone on the sidewalk or market place who may be homeless, sad, lonely, less fortunate. Not as often as I should in our busy lives, I observe and reflect: Often goes Christ in the stranger’s disguise. With the Resurrected promise of renewal, I ask myself: When was the last time I made it possible for someone to want to be part of our Cathedral family?

I have gradually learned along the path not to put off making amends. A friend and I had a disagreement and drifted apart. After about a year of prayerful reflection, I decided to invite this person to meet me for coffee. Expecting some estrangement I began by bringing up the cause of the problem, who did what to whom, chapter and verse. Then I paused and felt a warm pat on my hand. “I don’t remember. Let’s enjoy our coffee together.”

I miss just about everything about my Cathedral family. The new faces and activities that are connected to our honoring the past. A friendly glance, that special hug, community with the Clergy, and our superb and holy choir give me meaningful worship and joyous belonging. So many of us remain for the Organ Postlude in silence which is part of the service, often based on the Gospel or Lessons for the day.

When we are released from this physical separation I wish to race back to the Cathedral and The Museum of Fine Arts.

Day 15

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Sophia Preston
attends the Saturday 5:00 pm service / attended since 2017

To me, Easter means spending time with the people I love. It also helps me understand what it really means to sacrifice for others.

I really miss my 5:00 people at church. They are fun!

In my spare time I enjoy baking, sewing, hanging out with my many pets and my sports, swimming, lacrosse and track.

The first place I want to go after quarantine is school, but if that is not open, a restaurant. I like that my mom cooks all the time but I miss people.

Day 14

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Phillip Paree
attend the 10:15 am service / attended since 2010

For me, Easter brings the promise of hope and rebirth. The hope in the redeeming love of Jesus and his sacrifice for us. Rebirth through his Resurrection and gift to us all. We’ve come out of the solemness of Lent and then burst into life with the Easter Season.

I miss the love and friendships I have at the Cathedral. I love helping there and can’t wait to return…it’ll be a happy day!

The first place I’d like to go once quarantine is over won’t be a surprise for some at the Cathedral…I’m a big Walt Disney World fan. I can’t wait to be able to safely go there once again! Oh…and to get my hair cut! Help!!!

Day 13

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Cindy and Bob Campbell
attend the 10:15 am service / have been members for 43 years

For us, Easter means Hope, Love, Joy and new life. As spring is full of changes and new challenges, Easter is the catalyst in the extremes. The joy and love of the Resurrection is simply taught in the brightly colored eggs which are themselves a symbol of new life and nourishment. For us, we are beginning a new hunt, a new journey.

We miss the Cathedral, all of it. Cindy misses the music. We both miss the liturgy, particularly the weekly Eucharist. We miss our church friends/community. We miss the church staff, to a person.

We see new life in the Cathedral community, most especially in our young people and their outreach.

When the quarantine ends, we can't wait to go out with our church friends. After church on Sundays, we usually go to Kristina's on 34th St. for brunch.

Day 12

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Catherine Bertron
attends the 10:15 am service / started attending September 2019

To me, Easter is the return of light. We are able sing Alleluia and sunny Florida officially starts the Spring season. Easter season is my FAVORITE time of the year.

Seeing as I am a newer member of the Cathedral, I am really missing getting to know my new church family! I am so looking forward to being able to attend services in person again. One of my favorite parts of the service is hearing the choir and singing along with everyone. I can’t wait to be able to sing and worship together.

I have had plenty of time to think about what my schedule will look like on the first day the quarantine is lifted. First things first, I will head to Saint Pete Beach to go swimming and sit in the sun. I am really missing the beach especially with the gorgeous weather we are having. To finish out my day I plan on eating dinner at my favorite restaurant downtown, Ceviche. They are offering a limited take out menu, but there is nothing better than ordering tapas with a group of friends!

Day 11

Lois and Michael Ricciardi
attend the 10:15 am service / joined in 2018

For us, Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus and represents the foundation and true meaning of the season. The celebration of His resurrection reminds us of the promise of new life and the continuity of love and hope.

With all the focus on the virus this spring, it has been comforting to disconnect from all the electronics and just take in the beauty of outdoors and nature itself, especially butterflies. We are noticing more of them these days than we have in awhile.

In our spare time we enjoy doing puzzles. It has also become a holiday/vacation tradition for both of us as a way to disconnect from technology and spend time together.

As soon as the quarantine is over, we can't wait to get out of the house! Lois - TJ Maxx! / Michael - Watch a sunset on the beach!!

Day 10

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Thomas Chase
attends the 10:15 am service / has been at the Cathedral all his life, 18 years

Easter is a time of joy and growth for me. My family always loved Easter (I do live with the Dean after all) so we try to take full advantage of the Easter season! This Easter was most certainly different, but the joy and happiness still remained in my house as we watched church and spent time with one another.

I’ve enjoyed being outside during my spare time. Whether it be kayaking, paddle boarding, or fishing, I have been trying to take full advantage of my new found free time while still respecting social distancing guidelines.

First place I want to go when quarantine is actually school. The last day I was there I had no clue that I wouldn’t be returning. Ideally I would like to say goodbye to everyone before my senior year wraps up. So if everything lines up, I would like to go to school one last time. If not, I’ll just head out on the boat with some friends!

Day 9


Meg Banitch
attends the 10:15 am service / joined in 2018

Easter for me means the celebration of Jesus's love and the potential for us to be reborn into a better version of ourselves.

I see new life around me as I see people connecting in a new way. Who could have imagined a few months ago that we would be worshiping together on our computers and phones. Some who had never experienced it before are enjoying zoom gatherings and video calls.

In my free time I like to enjoy the beauty of nature sailing on my boat. A good option these days with physical distancing.

Day 8

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DeDe Sheetz
attends the 10:15 am service / joined the Cathedral in 2016
(pictured here with her grandson Braden)

Easter means that we are celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus and God's great love for us.
One thing I love (and miss!) most about the Cathedral is listening to the full choir in conjunction with Dwight's wonderful organ music.
In my spare time I enjoy watching Netflix's original series plus the numerous PBS Masterpiece series.
Once the quarantine is over I want to go back to volunteering in the infusion room at the Tampa Cancer Center of the Florida Cancer Specialists Foundation. Being a 5-year cancer survivor, I believe that I'm called to this ministry. It's my way of paying it forward.

Day 7

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Joanie Andrews
attends the 10:15 am service / joined the Cathedral in 1997

To me, Easter means rebirth, a chance for a new beginning. We have run the gamut of emotions from a solemn Ash Wednesday to a glorious Easter. Once again, we can sing our Alleluias.

I miss and love my Cathedral family! I can't wait to see everyone at church again.

As soon as the quarantine is over, it's a toss-up as to where I want to go first between church and the hairdresser!

Day 6

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Jack Clark and Richard Sias
attend the 10:15 am service / joined the Cathedral in 2010

To us, Easter isn’t it about renewal, revitalization not only as it relates to our faith and but actively in the “NOW’ of our lives?  Especially, as we are a “retired” couple who are with one another, together daily and hourly ... we have no children to add a meaningful component, so together we work at finding the depth of meaning, love, and companionship in our relationship; this is depth of the resurrection ... of EASTER.


We see new life in the beauty of renewal with Spring ... Jack and I are both now “great uncles” ... who would have ever thought ... and seeing the explainable sweetness and the innocence in the faces of these two babies, in light of the world that now surrounds us is a humbling reminder of our own lives and an even more humbling reminder of what these babies face growing up and holding onto what we were taught to love and appreciate ... nothing ever again can be taken for granted.


What do we miss about the Cathedral? One simple word says it all, “COMMUNITY” ... in fellowship, that  special gathering of people in the memory of Jesus Christ! We also miss being in the physical presence of the clergy. Are the clergy not the “virtual” reminders of the “central part” of what the church should be about? 


In our spare time we enjoy gardening ... our garden (back yard) is our own paradise: pool, hot-tub, deck, cooking out, flowers and shrubs! Walking our dogs, Suzie, and Millie, because Jack, who does the walking gets to see people. Cooking ... we both cook, but for me this is my central great joy, and before this heinous virus pandemic hit, it was having little dinner parties and sharing my “cooking” love with others.  Now, a small drive in the car is a joy, because we get to see other, from a distance ... so we know that life continues to go on!  Oh, yes, we are also on a James Bond, 007 KICK, because these movies of that era are mindless, and wildly entertaining, and occasionally mind blowing because of the great automobiles 007 drove!


Our spiritual disciplines include Father Thomas’ Morning and Evening prayers, which have become even a deeper part of everyday.  Before this “social quarantine” Sunday 10:15 Eucharist and coffee hour afterwards. Jack participates in the Choir and we both are Readers. Richard is a Verger, so all those bits and pieces that go with being a Verger are such joy.  Jack is leader of the Cathedral Players and I participate as an actor; so all of these too are spiritual “out-lets” because once again we all come together always in HIS name.


When the quarantine is over we can’t wait to go back to CHURCH! But church more than that. We don’t come in the door just before 10:15 Eucharist starts and file out when it is over, shake the hand or hands of the Priest(s) at the door then leave. No!!... this is our community, this is the very heart of our social gathering, here is the life and soul of who we are as Episcopalians.

Day 5

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Natalie Schmid
attends the 10:15 am service / joined the Cathedral in 2018

To me, Easter is the day Jesus rose from the dead. That’s what I think about.

I see new life around me in blooming flowers and baby ducklings in my neighborhood.

In my spare time, I like drawing, reading, and singing.

After quarantine I want to go anywhere I can be with my friends.

Day 4

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Jean and Earl Beshears
attend the 10:15 am service / joined in 2012

To me, Easter is what it is all about as Christians. The resurrection gives meaning to the life, death and saying and stories of Jesus. Without it, Jesus is just another self-help guru.

I see new life around me through two resurrection stories: some monarch caterpillars were hatched on a milkweed plant near out porch. They formed chrysalises nearby. We are waiting for one to “hatch” very soon. For fun, also I put the root end of two lettuces in the ground. They have sprouted new leaves on the old roots! Rebirth of salad.

What we miss most about the Cathedral is the hugs and touches of our friends and Cathedral family.

In our spare time, we are doing yoga with our instructor on Zoom, reconnecting with some old friends through technology, gardening, cooking, and walking.

A spiritual discipline we keep is contemplative prayer. For 8 years we have met with a small group near us every Monday morning.

As soon as this quarantine is over, we can’t wait to meet friends for pizza!


Day 3

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Grace Lewis, Melanie Moore and Sarah Lewis
attend the 10:15 am service / have attended since Easter 2019

To me, Easter is about choosing how you want to see the world. The predominant worldview in the Roman Empire was basically “might makes right.” The Jewish orientation toward justice and love provided a powerful counter narrative, one that Jesus embodied. Every year when I celebrate Easter, I choose to believe that, in the words of Martin Luther King Jr., “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” I don’t have to wait for some final apocalyptic battle to see if good will win over evil, because I have faith that power is not the ultimate reality in our world - love is. 

We’re missing all the ways we used to have to enjoy nature: kayaking, camping, just going to the beach. As soon as this quarantine is over, you’ll find us in a state park somewhere!


Day 2


Lauren Durst & Steve Buyens
Attend the 10:15am / Have attended the Cathedral for almost 10 months

Easter, to us, means the return of Alleluia. We always celebrate with bright colors, special food, and lots of family time - even this year!
In our spare time, you'll find us floating in the pool with some tunes and a couple of cold beers.
When the quarantine is over, we'll first visit our parents in Valrico and Plant City! Our next stop will be for chicken wings.

Day 1


Debra and Gareth Eich
Attended St. Peter’s since 1990 / Attend the 8:00 am service

Easter means a spiritual renewal and awakening of my faith, not that it has been lost, but rather a new bursting forth and realization of God’s blessings, love, abiding love and promise for me, my family and the whole world.

What I have missed the most during this time of separation is kneeling before the altar and feeling God’s wings spread about me, hearing the prayers and message of the sermon for that day and how it touches that place in my life that needed healing and the blessings of forgiveness I sorely need at that time. I miss my friends of St. Veronica’s Guild as we work on projects for healing and helping others who are going through challenging times. I miss discussing the coming Sunday gospel reading with Canon Katie on the Lectio walks on Monday mornings with our group.

When this quarantine is over I want to be back to St. Peter’s to the Sunday and healing services, spiritually growing, mending and thanking all those people who have made this journey of separation easier to bear.

— Debra